Marley Coffee 的源起

Marley Coffee 是由著名牙買加 Reggie (雷鬼樂) 歌手 Bob Marley 鮑勃.馬利的兒子 Rohan Marley 為紀念父親和宣揚父親對愛與和平的信念,而於2007年在牙買加創建的一個咖啡品牌。Marley Coffee 有著生於斯,長於斯,取於斯,饋於斯的樸素哲學,正如 Rohan 所說:

""My father came from the farmland in Nine Mile. There, he learned a deep respect for nature and humanity that helped guide his life. His dream was to return one day.”

Marley Coffee 的烘焙手藝細膩,拼搭的咖啡豆極具層次感,會你帶來一趟曼妙的咖啡旅程*。自創辦以來,Marley Coffee 贏得了不少獎項,受業界認可,包括多項英國的Great Taste Awards 及 the Soil Association Organic Beverage of the Year Award。

***搭配 Bob Marley 的音樂一起飲用更具風味

Marley Coffee 精選咖啡豆預購套裝 $398 (原價$499)










